Army Chain of Command:

Commander In Chief (of all armed forces): Honorable Barack Obama
Secretary of Defense: Honorable Robert M. Gates
Secretary of State: Honorable Hilary Clinton
Secretary of the Army: Honorable John M. McHugh
Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff: ADM. Mike Mullen
Chief of Staff of the Army: General George Casey
Sergeant Major of the Army: Sergeant Major Kenneth O. Preston
Commander of Cadet Command: Major General Arthur M. Batell
Command Sergeant Major of Cadet Command: Command Sergeant Major Hershel Turner
8th Brigade Commander: COL Paul Wood

In –Ranks Inspection Questions:

I. Basic Knowledge

1. What does JROTC stand for?
JROTC stands for Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.

2. What does LET stand for?
LET stands for Leadership, Education, & Training.

3. What does JCLC stand for?
JCLC stands for JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge.

4. What does SAI stand for?
Senior Army Instructor.

5. What does AI stand for?
Army Instructor.

6. What is the mission of JROTC?
The mission of JROTC, is to motivate young people to become better citizens.

7. What is the key to success in JROTC?
The key to success in JROTC is teamwork.

8 .What are the three levels of distinction that JROTC units can earn?
The three levels of distinction that JROTC units can earn are merit unit, honor unit, and honor unit with distinction.

II. Leadership

1. What is the definition of leadership?
The ability to influence subordinates in order to accomplish a mission.

2. What are the three leadership styles? Explain each.
       Delegating: Giving decision making authority to subordinates.
       Directing: Instructing subordinates.
       Participating: Involving subordinates in the decision making process.

3.  What are the seven army values?
         L – Loyalty
         D – Duty
         R – Respect 
         S – Selfless Service
         H – Honor
         I – Integrity
         P – Personal Courage

4. Define teamwork.
Teamwork is the cooperative effort of a group of people working together to achieve a common goal.

III. Drill & Ceremony

1.  What are the 2 parts of a command?
         The Preparatory command & the Command of Execution.

2.  What foot do you call the command rear march on?
         The Right Foot.

3.  On which foot do you give the command halt?
                 Either Foot.

4.  What is the normal cadence/rate of quick time?
         120 steps per minute.

5.  What is the rate of “double time”?
          180 steps per minute.

6.  How many inches are in a normal step in marching?
           30 inches.

IV. Map Reading

1. How do you read a military map?
             From Right & Up

2. What are the 5 basic colors on a military map and what do they represent?
        Blue – Water
        Green – Vegetation
        Brown – Contour lines/Elevation & relief
        Black – Man made objects
        Red – Highly Populated areas & major roads

3. Name the 5 major terrain features on a military map?
             Hill, Saddle, Valley, Ridge, & Depression

4. What are the 3 types of north’s on a military map?
             True, Grid, & Magnetic

V. First Aid & Health

1. Define First Aid.
       First Aid is the immediate care given to an injured or ill victim before professional  medical help arrives.

2. What are 2 types of fractures?
        Open (compound) & Closed (simple)

3. What are the 4 live saving steps?
       Clear the air way, Stop the bleeding, Treat for shock, & Protect the wound.

4. What does CPR stand for?
       Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a procedure to support and maintain breathing and circulation for a      person who has stopped breathing (respiratory arrest) and/or whose heart has stopped (cardiac arrest).
VI. Government

1. What are the 3 branches of government and what do they do?
      Legislative: Makes the law.
      Judicial: Interprets the law.
      Executive: Enforces and carries out the law.

2. What are the first 10 Amendments called?
     Bill of Rights

3. What are the two primary Political Parties in the United States?
      Republican and Democrat

VII. American History & Citizenship

1. Who wrote the star spangled banner?
      Francis Scott Key.

2. What do the colors on the United States flag represent?
      Red: Valor.
      Blue: Justice.
      White: Purity.

3. What do the 13 stripes on the United States flag represent?
        The original 13 colonies.

4. What are the 3 types of American flags and which is the largest?
         Post, Storm, & Garrison.  Garrison is the largest.
    a. Garrison Flag: 20 Feet by 38 Feet – Flown on holidays & Special Occasions
    b. Post Flag: 10 Feet by 19 Feet – Flown on Normal Occasions
    c. Storm Flag: 5 Feet by 9 ½ Feet – Flown During Inclement (Bad) Weather

5. What four Presidents are on Mount Rushmore and where is it located?
       Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, Lincoln
          South Dakota

VIII. Military Customs & Courtesies

1. Name the 5 basic staff positions found in the largest military organization.
        S-1: Adjutant.
        S-2: Technology.
        S-3: Operation & Training.
        S-4: Logistics/Supply.
        S-5: Public Information.

2. Always refer to an instructor or adult with a:
       Sir or mam.

3. What is the most important Military Courtesy of all?
       The Hand Salute